Rabbit Holes & Ruby Slippers Navigating Your Way Through 5D Consciousness
Rabbit Holes
Does life suddenly seem surreal, like you’ve fallen down a rabbit hole? We’ve entered a new and confusing era where energies are more intense and life is more challenging than ever, and it’s not just because of a virus.
Many of us impatiently await the day life returns to normal, but the energies on earth have radically changed and are here to stay. We have taken an unprecedented plunge into a new era, from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness, but what does that mean?
For years, we’ve talked about the law of attraction, where energy precedes matter, but it’s no longer just a nice idea. With the arrival of this new era, we’re now living this concept of, energy precedes matter, to a degree we’ve never experienced before. In other words, the veil between the physical world and spirit realm has become very thin.
Ruby Slippers
In this time of great transition, we have the choice to work against these powerful new energies or we can work with them by acquiring new tools and understanding to navigate this unfamiliar terrain.
As we get ready for a wild ride into an era of peace, it’s time to snatch the ruby slippers from the oppressive wicked witch. Allow me to be your tour guide, showing you how to empower yourself in light.
Course Description
Understand what this new 5D consciousness is all about
Recognize the side effects of this massive energetic shift and what to do about them
Psychic attack-proof yourself (Now that you’re more sensitive to energy than ever!)
Develop spiritual immunity and patch the holes in your energetic fence
Understand the various types of energies, including generational pain and karma, and use simple tools to heal them
Co-create more powerfully than you’ve ever thought possible
Learn important universal truths to help you navigate this new era
This class draws heavily upon both ancient and contemporary spiritual tools, practices and wisdom.
Please bring an open mind as this class is going to rock your current reality!
"It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."
–Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll
2 Class Series
approximately 1.5 hours each
Saturday, April 3 & 10
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. CST
Launch Special: $55, tax included
Hosted via Zoom
"You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to
learn it for yourself."
–Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
A Zoom link will be sent to you before each class.
Notes and access to audio recordings will also be available.
For questions or concerns, please contact Dawn at EmbracingMyLight@gmail.com