Empowerment Has Everything to Do With Healthy Relationships
Every relationship problem or conflict, when broken down to it’s roots, is essentially a power struggle. Whether we’re looking at...

Is Your Energetic Environment Affecting You?
Is the Law of Attraction All There Is to Healing? For many years the trend in holistic healing has been to look at how our mind and...

Choosing a Healer Is an Important Decision
In the world of alternative therapy there are so many options to choose from when it comes to energy workers. There is a vast array of...

Empowerment Isn't Kind, It's Loving
When I was younger, kindness was one of my greatest values, but I came off more as a spineless wimp than anything. In the name of...

4 Ways Empaths Give Their Power Away
Empaths are sensitive to the energy around them. Anyone who has ever taken one of my classes, or understands basic science, knows that...

Healing Through Connection
Every Thursday a small group of women came together at Beyond Body Holistic Wellness to participate in a workshop called, Her Adventurous...